Sorry for the late blog post. Just have a few quick updates.
First, the release-related news. The release party giveaway for Courting the Dragon is currently open. Check out my Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook for instructions on how to enter. The prize baskets are pretty sweet if I do say so myself! Check out the grand prize basket pictured here.
Speaking of the release party…
The current plan is host a digital release party event. The platform and start time are still TBD, but some polling on Twitter has indicated a preference for Twitch. Since the streaming options there are a bit more robust than FB or Instagram Live that currently seeming like the best option. I will try to have the details nailed down this week. Tentative event information is currently posted on FB; the event will be updated by the 1st of June.
By the way, you can use the hashtag #CourtingTheDragon to find the latest tweets and Instagram posts about the release, including sneak peek snippets, the giveaway, and what ARC readers are saying!
On to the writing.
I have made some progress on Finding the Dragon. The major plot points, who the antagonist is, and all those sorts of important bits are mostly ironed out. I’ve written a couple chapters’ worth and I’m pleased with what I have so far. A few snippets have been posted to my Instagram, so if you’re looking for sneak peeks, that’s the place to be. Maybe sometime in June after Courting the Dragon goes live I’ll do a cover reveal. I don’t have a specific release date in mind for this yet (at least not that I’m comfortable sharing), but you definitely won’t be waiting another six years for it.
For some reason yesterday I got the itch to write a fairytale retelling. I’m about a chapter and a half into an interesting shifter-romance retelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Why does “Baby Bear” have insomnia? Why were the village jerk and a wereweasel chasing “Goldie”? Is there a plot to this beyond the classic fable? I don’t know, but my muse says we’re going to find out. Not sure how long this is going to be or what format it will be released in. I’m toying with the idea of trying it as a Kindle Vella serial. Or maybe it will be a short, 99 cent novella. Who knows? Maybe I’ll write a whole dang novel and Goldilocks and Baby Bear will save the world from impending doom. My brain is also insisting that whatever this is, it’s the start of a new trilogy because Baby Bear’s older brothers are going to need their own Happily Ever Afters. Oy vey.
I’ve also been seriously looking at The Foundling again. I recently purchased a cover for it, and the itch to get it finished and out the door is getting strong. It’s about half written, and as I start actively working on it again is probably a good time to start thinking about alpha readers for it. I’m not sure when I’ll do a cover reveal or what the release timeline will be for this yet. Sometime in 2022 would be nice. I’ll keep y’all posted.
I think that’s all for now folks. Here’s a sleepy kitty picture to brighten your Friday.
I love writing fairytale re-tellings! I’m working on writing my second Rapunzel retelling right now.
Second!? I guess that IS the cool thing about fairytale retellings. So many possibilities! So many stories!