There are so many things going on right now that I don’t even know where to begin.
First, I am currently in the process of buying a house, so things are a little bit chaotic right now. I’m hoping to have that all squared away in the next couple of weeks. From there I will be able to get my office set-up and devote some major time to writing through the summer.
Second, I have an update on Courting the Dragon. Over the course of attempting to revise it – and fix the gaping plot hole that was causing it to bleed out all over my hard drive – I came to realize that some things with the story were fundamentally broken. Large chunks of the first draft are just going to see the trash bin and whole new swaths of story are in the process of being written. And it wasn’t just one thing. There were multiple problems. I really needed to get to know one of the villains better and think through his motivations, for one thing. So that project is underway at a pace of about 1000 words a day. The general synopsis I have posted on the website is still correct.
Thirdly, I have sent the first third of The Foundling to a beta reader for feedback. That story is also stalled out with a problem annoyingly similar to CtD’s plot hole. The good news is, I don’t think that story is fundamentally broken, I just suck at outlining.
Finally, I have started (or I suppose restarted) a new WIP (work in progress) to give myself something with no castle storming. It’s coming along at a pace of about 500 words a day, although I hope to pick that pace up a bit next month. That will largely depend on how stubborn CtD is in mending its ways. I tried a different pre-writing/outlining process for this one that I will talk about more in a later blog. I feel pretty good about this one. My hope is to have it ready sometime in November. But, as we have all learned, my hopes don’t mean a whole lot when life decides to come knocking.
Oh, and finally-finally, I am going to be trying to keep the blog updated more often, even if it’s just a quick status update on the office, CtD, etc.