
Courting the Dragon Release Date Set (Again, For Real)

I am pleased to officially announce a release date (for reals this time) for the eBook and paperback editions of Courting the Dragon. It will be available for purchase through Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook, Google Books, and Apple iBooks starting Sunday, June 20, 2021. The eBook edition will be priced at $4.99. Paperback will be $12.99. I believe BN.com and BAM’s website will likely also carry the paperback (based on past experience with Saving the Dragon), although I’m not sure it will be available on launch day.

Kindle Pre-Order is now available.

Will there be an audiobook?

The process of turning CtD into an audiobook has not begun. However, it is my hope that it will also be released to audio as soon as reasonably possible. I do not at this time have any idea who will narrate or what kind of release date we can expect.

I review books, can I get an ARC?

Anyone interested in doing an advanced review should reach out via the Contract screen on my main website. Be sure to include the subject line “Courting the Dragon ARC.” Please include your preferred format in your inquiry (ePub, PDF) and what platforms you post reviews to (Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, personal blog, etc). At this time I am only planning to release digital ARCs.

Will there be any giveaways?

Yes. I am planning to do eBook and paperback giveaways. I am also planning to do at least one bundle giveaway that will include copies of both Courting the Dragon and the updated Saving the Dragon, plus some other goodies. More details will be available as we get closer to release.

Where did you get the cover?

This cover is by GetCovers.com. All three books in the Penelope’s Dragon trilogy will include covers from GetCovers.


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