Hello everyone! I have some exciting stuff to share with you.
So, earlier this week, the audiobook for Saving the Dragon cleared the quality checks.
We’re just a wee bit behind schedule. Just a wee bit.
It turns out that “self-publishing” an audiobook is a very different experience from putting out a paperback or an eBook. For example, I didn’t realize is that it would immediately go on sale for Audible once it passed QA, so that was a little bit of a surprise. I was not as prepared as I probably should have been, which is why this video is coming out days after the actual release. With my eBook and paperback I had a lot more control.
All of that aside, I am very, very, very excited to say that Saving the Dragon it is now available for through Audible, iTunes, and Amazon.
The second thing I want to share with everyone is a little bit about ACX’s “bounty” program. It’s essentially a reward system to encourage rights holders and producers to go out and convince everybody and their brother to become AudibleListeners. So, how it works is this: for each of you who goes and signs up for Audible and buys Saving the Dragon first, Hilary and I will receive a $50 bonus. Not too shabby, right? But. But, but, but. We only get the bounty if you buy our book first and keep your subscription for 61 days. So, if you’ve been on the fence about getting Audible and you really want to support our efforts, now is the time folks, now is the time. I personally have an Audible subscription, and I love it.
For those of you who already have Audible, I have some other good news. I am working on planning a giveaway so a lucky few of you can win an audio copy of Saving the Dragon and maybe a couple of other fun little things. I don’t have more details just yet. I’m trying to make sure I dot all the i’s and cross all of the t’s. But more details will be coming soon.
If any of your are Library Thing members, I have already posted a giveaway for Saving the Dragon there. If you love books and you’re not a member of Library Thing, you probably should be.
If you do get your hands on an audio copy of Saving the Dragon, I do hope you will consider leaving a review. Reviews are so important for authors and narrators. Not only is the feedback invaluable, but reviews also help us to sell our stories and get them to a wider audience. Your heartfelt review could be the difference between someone buying or not buying a book and missing out.
On that note, I would also like to announce the return of “Hot Tea & Tall Tales” book reviews, starting next weekend. I have a backlog of reviews that are very overdue. I hope you will all join me on YouTube for that next Sunday.
Last thing. I know if I don’t make mention of Courting the Dragon someone is sure to ask in the comments. It is still in heavy revisions. I thought I was going to be a lot closer to having the eBook out by now, but it things didn’t turn out that way. I know three years is a long wait (wow, it’s really been three years), but I will try to get a release date to you soon.
I think that’s everything! I can’t wait to hear what you guys think of the audiobook. Hilary put so much time and effort into the narration and the audio editing. Really, I could not have done this without her. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Happy Listening!