
Category Website Updates

Technical Difficulties

Today was supposed to be a book review post with an accompanying video on YouTube. However, due to some unforeseen technical difficulties in both the recording and editing processes, I was unable to get the editing completed to post today.…

Website Update, January 2021

As you can see, things are looking mighty different around here and on my socials. Now that I’m getting back into the game this year with planned releases and regular blog posts, I thought it was time that ye ole…

Like the new look?

As you’ve probably already noticed I’ve been a busy bee the last couple of days revamping the look of the home site and this blog. Content hasn’t changed much (yet), but the look sure has. I decided that what I…

Website Update

Some of you may have already noticed that my link “Back to Main Site” finally goes somewhere other than the GoDaddy default page. Nonetheless, I am proud to announce that the home page and contact page (which a really one…